COMING SOON - 20'x48' Automatic Feed System
$ 7,900.00
Out of stock
Automated Feed System - For 20'x48' Mobile Coops
We have spent years working with pastured poultry, and understand the challenges and physical strain that come with manually feeding chickens on the farm. We knew that automating this process was necessary, but it hasn't always been affordable or easy. That's why we created a feed system that is not only cost-effective, but also user-friendly. Our goal is to provide you with the best product that not only saves you money on labor costs, but also improves the efficiency of your farm. With that in mind, we have developed a fully automated feed system that is perfect for pasture-based chicken operations. This innovative system eliminates the need for manual labor and ensures that your 20'x48' mobile coop is supplied with enough feed for up to 1-3 weeks before needing to be refilled.Includes:
User Friendly Tutorial
- WIth Purchase of this kit you will receive a user friendly infographic video tutorial on how to assemble this feed system. (NO PAPER MANUAL)
2 - 45' feed Lines
- 21 feeders per line - Feeders designed to eliminate feed waste & reduce particle separation in mash feeds - Keeping a move even nutritional balance.
- Wench & Pulley system for feeders - This allows for up to 12" of vertical feeder height adjustment as your birds grow. (You can raise above head for storage if lines are disconnected from bin boots)
2 - 1,000 lb Feed Bins - With dual bins you only have to fill feeders every 1-3 weeks
- Sliding bin lid - Easy to operate & to fill bins!
- 4ft tall bins - allows for easy filling of bins from ground level if necessary.
Feed Bin Shutoff - Allows for easy maintenance of feed lines without emptying feed bin
1 - Solar power kit
2 flexible solar panels - for multiple angles depending upon the direction of your coop and the sun.
- Deep Cycle Battery Bank
- DC/AC Power Inverter - easy a.c. compatibility. Just plug and play.
- Cables
- Charge Controller
- 2 timers for scheduled feeding
Compatible with any 20x48 Mobile coop on the Market - With only slight modifications
- Call ahead of time to verify any modification steps.
- The feed system is shipped on a 4'x10' pallet.
- Contact us for a freight quote.
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